Super Easy Storage Blog

How to Rock a Garage Sale and Earn Some Cash

Written by Zofia Williams | 07/11/2016 12:39:00 AM

How to rock a garage sale and earn some more cash.

How often have you looked around your house and considered binning the lot? There's something about life: no matter how carefully we try to manage what comes into our homes, we always seem to be able accumulate stuff, often until the closets are bursting and the drawers are overfull.

A lot of what we regard as valuable possessions at one time might actually be best tossed into the bin, but before you get out the bin liner and book in your hard rubbish, stop a moment and really look around. Could you put together a great garage sale and earn yourself some extra cash?

Here are a few details to consider:

Sometimes trash really is trash

There's an old saying that one man's trash is another man's treasure. This can be true, but when you try to sell your trash at a garage sale, you often find out that it really is just trash. If your garage sale is full of broken items, outdated knick knacks, and random half place settings, you probably are not going to make all that much money.



Organise, organise, organise

The most successful garage sales are highly organised. Plates and dishes in one area, glassware over there, baby items in the corner, books neatly organised and standing up so that the titles are visible. If you are selling adult clothing, make sure it's hanging up, or looks attractive; boxes of t-shirts are never going to sell. Sell kid's clothing package up together in size and style to help sell it off faster; try the same with kid's toys.

 You won't sell collectibles at Garage Sales

Ten years ago, early birds would turn up at garage sales, hoping to find a particular china pattern or a collectible toy at a bargain price. Now, with so many online locations to sell items, and so many ways to research what's a collectible, you are less likely to sell an expensive item at a garage sale. If you have a lovely old valuable piece, sell it online. Garage sales are for every-day items that you no longer use.

Be prepared to demonstrate electronics

If you want to sell a used laptop, toaster, or television, run an extension cord out to the location of your sale and be prepared to demonstrate that the item works. No one wants to take home your broken white goods.

A garage sale can be a great way to get rid of some old items and put together a quick influx of cash. Look to advertise on social media, local email newsgroups, and in any free papers in your area to get the word out. Neighbourhood signs also work well!

Get your functional but no longer wanted items on the curb, and get them off to a new home and make yourself some quick cash!