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How To Stay Organised And Productive At Work

Written by Zofia Williams | 18/10/2017 3:58:34 AM

What does being productive at work mean to you? Does it mean being able to zone in on one task until it’s done, eliminating all distractions completely? Or maybe it means being able to work on multiple projects simultaneously, and at the end of the day handing them all in completed? Whatever your goal is, being productive at work is all about being organised, and completing tasks efficiently. To be more productive at work, you need to take a hard look at your workflow and find ways to optimize and improve your processes. 

Below are our ten tips that should improve your organisation and productivity while in the office.

1. Lists, Lists. Lists

A huge step towards organising your workflow is to create lists. As soon as you come in for the day, create a list of the things that must be done that day—we don't want to leave any room for procrastination. Also, create a list on Monday of your projects for the work. Cross items off your lists after they're completed, and it should motivate you to do more.

2. Use Your Time Wisely

The Pareto Principle (also known as the 80/20 Rule) is a proven way to manage your time efficiently. The key is to find what 20% of your efforts lead to 80% of your results. Focus on that 20%, and you'll see considerable impacts in your accomplishments. When looking at your to-do list for the day, you'll probably notice that two out of ten will produce the most significant results. The 80/20 principle suggests you put your emphasis on those and work on the rest when you have the time. 

3. Organise Your Space

Your work will be a reflection of your workspace. A cluttered desk will lead to a cluttered mind.  Keeping your office organised and removing useless clutter will help you focus on the essential tasks you need to accomplish for the day. Get rid of old invoices, proposals, or any other files that you don't need or can find a copy of elsewhere. The only items on your desk should be the information you need now and your tools to accomplish the task.

4. Limit Your Email Use

If you're like most people, you will endlessly refresh your email throughout the day to see if anything new has come in. Chances are, most of the emails you receive throughout the day are junk. We recommend setting alerts for essential contacts and silencing the rest.

5. Only Read Information You’ll Use Immediately

Limit your time reading news articles or any other information you find online. One mental trick is to look at things on a "need to know" basis; if you won't use the information right now, close the browser window and do something more productive with your time.

6. Find Your Focus Song

It's a little-known secret that some of the most successful people on earth have one song that they listen to when they need to get in the zone—sometimes listening to the same track for hours on end! While that may be extreme, find a song that you will subconsciously associate with productivity from now on, and put it on whenever it's time to get work done.

7. Time Your Work

We recommend setting a timer for 30 minutes, sometimes longer, to focus. While the timer is ticking away, the only thing you should be doing is working on your project. This will help you hold yourself accountable and use your time wisely.

8. Do Smaller Tasks During Free Time

If you find yourself in between big projects but you need to send out an email to the department sometime this week, do it now instead. You never know what unexpected project could pop up later so it’s better to finish everything you can when you have a chance.

9. Take Breaks

We've been harping on using your time efficiently, but it's important to take breaks throughout the day as well. Walk around the office, or even better, get outside. Taking a break will refresh you and give you a chance to take some deep breaths.

10. Work from Home If Possible

A change of scenery can significantly help you reduce distractions and find more space to concentrate. Companies around the world are noticing considerable upticks in productivity when they let their employees work from home. See if your boss will allow you to do some work off-site.

Now that you have the information you need, it’s time to put these tips into practice. Clean off your desk, find your 80/20 principles, discover your focus song, and get in the zone! We guarantee you'll notice a considerable difference in your work after the first week.